Monday 31 May 2010


Where things are...

It's been a while since my last update, due to a computer problem that I won't bore you with. Instead I'll bring you up to date with all the paintings that I'm currently working on. There are eight in all, which is more than I'm used to and I'm keen to get some finished; though the bigger pieces are crying out for more work. They vary in size, but as a general rule of thumb, the subjects in the paintings are about life size. I'll list each one and where it's at...

Clicking on any of the images will give you a bigger picture.

Small piece, about 25cm x 25cm. First colour layer done on the flowers and branches, waiting for second colour layer.

Big painting, about 180cm x 75cm. Lots of the second colour layer done, still trying to make sense of this one, still quite a way from finished.

Medium sized painting, about 55cm x 55cm. First colour layer across the flowers and branches, waiting for second colour layer.

I think this one's 70cm x 70cm. First colour layer across the flowers and branches, waiting for secong colour layer.

Smallish painting, 30cm x 30cm. Almost finished. The photo is showing it lighter than it is. Just a touch up glaze to go.

This one's about 85cm x 85cm, so it's pretty big. First colour layer across the branches and flowers, waiting for second colour layer.

Big painting, just over 120cm x 120cm. First colour layer on the branches, waiting for the first colour layer on the blooms.

Very small painting, 20cm x 20cm. First colour layer across the whole image, waiting for second colour layer.

1 comment:

  1. Unbelievably good! I thought they were pictures! I'm still not convinced they're not, haha. Stunning! (found your blog via Wet Canvas)

