Friday 20 August 2010

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Progress has been slow, despite the hours. I'll get some shots of the work that I've done on the large magnolia up soon. Until then here's a first layer of underpainting on a new, smallish landscape. 46cm x 46cm.

Thursday 5 August 2010

I've been working on the two big paintings this week... As I still can't update regularly, I'll post before and after shots to give you an idea of the progression.

Click on the images for larger pictures.

The painting as it was.

More work on the sky, softening edges and cleaning the whites (which isn't really visible in the photo) and more work on the foreground, bringing out the greens and sharpening the detail. If I remember, I'll post some detail shots next time. There's still a long way to go with this one, but it feels like I'm getting there.

First colour glaze.

Second colour glaze. Painting the whole surface again, cleaning up the colour and contrast; using smaller brushes to bring out detail. There are a few bits I need to re-work, to bring them up to scratch, but I need to get the whole colour layer down first, so the I can see what's going on with the painting as a whole.