Friday 29 January 2010

Still I'm thinking about you only.
Oil on linen
50cm x 50cm
2009 - 2010

Thursday 28 January 2010

Finished colour layer on the sky. Just a couple of niggles to sort out and then it's finished.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

I put another colour layer on the sky today (about 10 hours), but it won't photograph well, as it's soaking wet and the light's reflecting off the surface. I'll upload a picture of the whole thing tomorrow.

13 hours. Second colour layer is finished.

Monday 25 January 2010

Another 20 hours. I only worked for 2 - 3 hours yesterday, so didn't bother posting an update.

Saturday 23 January 2010

Thursday 21 January 2010

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Monday 18 January 2010


I've been working since 5am, it's now 7.30pm. My eyes are hurting and I need a rest.

Eight hours into the first colour layer. The colour looks pretty dead at this stage as the tonal underpainting is reading as colour through the glaze layer, but the next glaze will sort that out.


A different painting today. My main gallery, Beaux Arts, Bath, sold the last two paintings they had of mine at the London Art Fair this weekend and seeing as they've put my name on the publicity for their 30th anniversary show, starting in two weeks, I feel kind of obliged to try and get them a painting finished in time for it. So the big magnolia has had to go on the back burner and I've started the first colour layer on this one. It's a smaller piece (50cm x 50cm), that I started in September.

Friday 15 January 2010

The painting as it is today.

Detail of the second tonal layer developing around the bottom left hand corner.

Detail image of the second layer of tonal painting on the central area

Thursday 14 January 2010

I know it's over...

Work in Progress

First tonal layer, December 2009

I don't intend to write too much on this blog; I'm sure you don't really care what I had for dinner, what the weather's like outside my house, or how I'm feeling from day to day. Instead, I'm going to use it to document my work as I produce it and show how the paintings develop.

I started this painting around October 2009, so the first few pictures will show leaps in its progress, but after that I'll try to upload pictures every couple of days or so of whatever I'm currently working on.